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907 lines
; $VER: Install-DragIt v4.0 (2.11.93)
; Installation script by Jan and Erik Simonson
(set OSVersion (/ (getversion) 65536))
(set WBVersion (/ (getversion "LIBS:version.library" ) 65536))
;Set up variables in English.
(set #Language 0)
(set LanguageID 0)
(set DocID 1)
(set #LowVersion "Sorry, you need at least OS/WB version 2.0 to use DragIt")
(set #SetDirPathPrompt "Please select the directory ")
(set #DragItDirPrompt "where you want to install DragIt.")
(set #DragItDirHelp
(cat " If you want DragIt to start automatically every time your Amiga "
"starts you should not change the suggested directory "
"(SYS:WBStartup).\n You should choose another directory for DragIt "
"if you do not wish the program to start automatically.\n"
(set #DragDirPrompt "where you want to install Drag.")
(set #DragDirHelp
(cat " Normally Drag, which is a preference program, should always be "
"installed in the suggested directory (SYS:Prefs).\n If you for "
"some reason do not want it installed there, please choose another "
(set #SelectLanguagePrompt
(cat "Besides English, select the preferred languages in which you might "
"want to run the Drag program."
(set #SelectLanguageHelp
(cat " You should select all the possible languages you want menu and "
"requester text to be displayed in.\n At this time, the "
"alternatives to English are French and Swedish.\n\n"
"French\n This should be selected if you want the French versions "
"of menus and requester text.\n\n"
"Swedish\n This should be selected if you want the Swedish versions "
"of menus and requester text.\n\n"
(set #LanguageEnglish "English")
(set #LanguageFrench "French")
(set #LanguageSwedish "Swedish")
(set #AskNoviceDoc "\nDo you want to install the documentation?")
(set #AskNoviceDocHelp
(cat " Do you want to install DragIt's documentation press the \"Yes\" "
"button, if not press the \"No\" button."
(set #SelectDocPrompt
"Select the languages in which you want to install the documentation.")
(set #SelectDocHelp
(cat " You should select all the languages in which you want the "
"documentation available on your Amiga.\n At this time, the "
"alternatives to English are French and Swedish.\n\n"
"English\n This should be selected if you want the English "
"French\n This should be selected if you want the French "
"Swedish\n This should be selected if you want the Swedish "
(set #DocDirPrompt "where you want to install the documentation.")
(set #DocDirHelp
(cat " Install the documentation in a directory where it can be easely "
"reached and preferably together with the documentation for other "
(set #Proceed1 "You have choosen to install DragIt in the\n")
(set #Proceed2 " directory.\n\nYou have also choosen to install Drag in the\n")
(set #Proceed3 " directory.\n\n\Further the selected programlanguages are\n")
(set #Proceed4 "\nand documentation in ")
(set #Proceed5 "and no documentation will be installed.")
(set #Proceed6 "will be installed in ")
(set #Proceed7 "\n\nShall I proceed with the installation?")
(set #ProceedHelp
(cat " Once you press the \"Proceed\" button, the selected items will be "
"installed. This is your last chance to abort this procedure without "
"partially installing the selected files.\n\n After you press "
"Proceed, you can use the Esc key to abort the installation "
(set #InstallPrompt "Installing")
(set #NoLocaleMessage
(cat "\nYou do not seem to have LOCALE: assigned to the directory where "
"the localization files are stored.\nPlease install the system "
"software localization files before retrying this installation.\n\n"
"Press either the \"Proceed\" or \"Abort Install\" button to abort "
"this installation."
(set #NoLocaleCatalogMessage
(cat "\nThere is no LOCALE:Catalogs directory. This installation "
"requires that directory to be present to install the selected "
"locale support files.\n\nPress either the \"Proceed\" or \"Abort "
"Install\" button to abort this installation."
(set #CopyLanguage "catalog files...")
(set #CopyDoc "AmigaGuide file...")
(set #ReadDoc "\nDo you want to read the documentation?")
(set #ReadDocHelp
(cat " If you want to read the documentation for DragIt press the \"Yes\" "
"button, if you don't want to read it, press the \"No\" button.\n"
(set #DocIDPrompt "Which documentation do you want to read?")
(set #DocIDHelp
(cat " Choose the documentation which you now want to read, as a reference "
"when you configurate DragIt.\n"
(set #RunDragIt "\nDo you want to run DragIt?")
(set #RunDragItHelp
(cat " If you press the \"Yes\" button, DragIt will be executed so you "
"can take advantage of the program whithout resetting the computer."
(set #RunDrag
"\nDragIt is now running, do you want to run the preference program?")
(set #RunDragHelp
(cat " If you press the \"Yes\" button the preference program will be "
"executed so that you can configurate DragIt to your own liking, and "
"then, if you want to, save the configurations."
; Set up variables in French.
(if (= @language "français")
(set #Language 1)
(set LanguageID 1)
(set DocID 2)
(set #LowVersion "Désolé, vous devez avoir au minimum l'OS/WB 2.0 pour faire fonctionner DragIt")
(set #SetDirPathPrompt "Choisir le répertoire où vous ")
(set #DragItDirPrompt "voulez installer DragIt.")
(set #DragItDirHelp
(cat " Si vous voulez que DragIt soit démarer automatiquement au boot de "
"l'Amiga, ne changer pas le répertoire suggéré suivant "
"(SYS:WBStartup).\n Vous devez choisir une autre répertoire que si "
"vous ne voulez pas le départ automatique du programme.\n"
(set #DragDirPrompt "voulez installer le programme Drag.")
(set #DragDirHelp
(cat " Normalement le programme de préférence Drag doit être copié dans "
"le répertoire suggéré suivant (SYS:Prefs).\n Si vous voulez pour "
"pour certaines raisons qu'il soit installé ailleur, choisisser un "
"autre répertoire.\n"
(set #SelectLanguagePrompt
(cat "Autre qu'anglais, choisisser les languages préférées pour l'utilisation "
"du préférence Drag."
(set #SelectLanguageHelp
(cat " Vous devez choisir toutes les langues qui seront utilisées dans "
"les menus et fenêtres du programme.\n Présentement, les alternatives à "
"l'anglais sont français et suédois.\n\n"
"Français\n A sélectionner si vous voulez la version française des "
"menus et des textes.\n\n"
"Suédois\n A sélectionner si vous voulez la version suédoise des "
"menus et des textes.\n\n"
(set #LanguageEnglish "Anglais")
(set #LanguageFrench "Français")
(set #LanguageSwedish "Suédois")
(set #AskNoviceDoc "\nVoulez-vous installer la documentation?")
(set #AskNoviceDocHelp
(cat " Si vous voulez installer la documentation de DragIt appuyer sur le bouton \"Oui\" "
", sinon appuyer sur le bouton \"Non\"."
(set #SelectDocPrompt
"Sélectionner les langues de la documentation à installer.")
(set #SelectDocHelp
(cat " Vous devez choisir toutes les langues qui seront installées pour "
"la documentation du programme.\n Présentement, les alternatives à "
"l'anglais sont français et suédois.\n\n"
"Anglais\n A sélectionner si vous voulez la version anglaise des "
"menus et des textes.\n\n"
"Français\n A sélectionner si vous voulez la version française des "
"menus et des textes.\n\n"
"Suédois\n A sélectionner si vous voulez la version suédoise des "
"menus et des textes.\n\n"
(set #DocDirPrompt "voulez installer la documentation.")
(set #DocDirHelp
(cat " Installer la documentation dans un répertoire facile d'accès "
"préférablement au même endroit que la documentation des autres applications "
"du système.\n\n"
(set #Proceed1 "Vous avez choisi d'installer DragIt dans le répertoire ")
(set #Proceed2 ".\n\nVous avez aussi choisi d'installer le préférence Drag dans le répertoire ")
(set #Proceed3 ".\n\n\Les langues sélectionnées sont\n")
(set #Proceed4 "\net la documentation ")
(set #Proceed5 "\nsans documentation ")
(set #Proceed6 "sera installée dans ")
(set #Proceed7 "\n\nDois-je procéder à l'installation?")
(set #ProceedHelp
(cat " Un fois que vous aurez appuyé sur le bouton \"Proceed\", les items "
"sélectionnés seront installés. Ceci est la dernière chance d'annuler "
"l'opération sans installer les fichiers.\n\n Après avoir appuyé sur "
"Proceed il sera toujours possible d'arrêter l'installation en appuyant "
"sur la touche Esc."
(set #InstallPrompt "Installation")
(set #NoLocaleMessage
(cat "\nVous ne semblez pas avoir de répertoire LOCALE: où sont situé les fichiers "
"de traduction.\nVeulliez installer les fichiers nécessaires à la "
"localisation avant de continuer.\n\nAppuyer sur \"Proceed\" ou sur "
"\"Abort\" annulera l'installation."
(set #NoLocaleCatalogMessage
(cat "\nVous ne semblez pas avoir de répertoire LOCALE:Catalogs. Cette "
"installation requier qu'il soit présent pour installer correctement "
"les fichiers de traduction.\n\nAppuyer sur \"Proceed\" ou sur "
"\"Abort\" annulera l'installation."
(set #CopyLanguage "Fichiers catalog...")
(set #CopyDoc "Fichiers AmigaGuide...")
(set #ReadDoc "\nVoulez-vous lire la documentation?")
(set #ReadDocHelp
(cat " Si vous voulez lire la documentation de DragIt appuyer sur le bouton \"Oui\" "
", sinon appuyez sur le bouton \"Non\"."
(set #DocIDPrompt "Quelle documentation voulez-vous lire?")
(set #DocIDHelp
(cat " Choisisser la documentation à lire, ceci vous aidera à configurer "
"DragIt dès maintenant.\n"
(set #RunDragIt "\nVoulez-vous exécuter DragIt maintenant?")
(set #RunDragItHelp
(cat " Si vous appuyer sur le bouton \"Oui\", DragIt sera exécuté maintenant sans "
"avoir à redémarer l'ordinateur."
(set #RunDrag
"\nDragIt est maintenant fonctionnel, voulez-vous exécuter le programme de préférence?")
(set #RunDragHelp
(cat " Si vous appuyer sur le bouton \"Oui\" le préférence sera exécuté "
"vous permettant de configurer dès maintenant DragIt comme vous "
"l'aimez. Vous pourrez aussi sauver la configuration."
; Set up variables in Swedish.
(if (= @language "svenska")
(set #Language 3)
(set LanguageID 4)
(set DocID 8)
(set #LowVersion
"Tyvärr, du måste ha minst OS/WB version 2.0 för att kunna använda DragIt")
(set #SetDirPathPrompt "Välj den katalog ")
(set #DragItDirPrompt "där du vill installera DragIt.")
(set #DragItDirHelp
(cat " Om du vill att Dragit skall starta automatiskt vid varje start av "
"din Amiga skall du inte ändra den föreslagna katalogen "
"(SYS:WBStartup).\n Vill du inte att DragIt skall starta automatiskt "
"skall du välja en annan katalog för programmet.\n"
(set #DragDirPrompt "där du vill installera Drag.")
(set #DragDirHelp
(cat " Normalt skall Drag, som är ett inställningsprogram, alltid "
"installeras i den föreslagna katalogen (SYS:Prefs).\n Om du av "
"någon anledning inte vill detta, välj en annan katalog.\n"
(set #SelectLanguagePrompt
(cat "Förutom engelska, välj de språk i vilka du vill ha möjliget att "
"kunna köra Dragprogrammet."
(set #SelectLanguageHelp
(cat " Du skall välja alla de språk som du vill ha möjlighet att få "
"menyer och väljartext i.\n Just nu är alternativen till engelskan "
"endast franska och svenska.\n\n"
"Franska\n Välj denna om du vill ha den franska versionen av menyer "
"och väljartext.\n\n"
"Svenska\n Välj denna om du vill ha den svenska versionen av menyer "
"och väljartext.\n\n"
(set #LanguageEnglish "Engelska")
(set #LanguageFrench "Franska")
(set #LanguageSwedish "Svenska")
(set #AskNoviceDoc "\nVill du installera dokumentationen?")
(set #AskNoviceDocHelp
(cat " Vill du installera dokumentationen till DragIt så ska du klicka på "
"\"Ja\" knappen, vill du inte detta tryck på \"Nej\" knappen."
(set #SelectDocPrompt
"Välj de språk i vilka du vill installera dokumentationen.")
(set #SelectDocHelp
(cat " Du skall välja alla de språk som du vill ha dokumentationen "
"tillgänglig i.\n Just nu är alternativen till engelskan endast "
"franska och svenska.\n\n"
"Engelska\n Välj denna om du vill ha den engelska "
"Franska\n Välj denna om du vill ha den franska dokumentationen.\n\n"
"Svenska\n Välj denna om du vill ha den svenska dokumentationen.\n\n"
(set #DocDirPrompt "där du vill installera dokumentationen.")
(set #DocDirHelp
(cat " Installera dokumentationen i en katalog där du kan nå den lätt "
"och helst också tillsammans med dokumentationen för de övriga "
"commodities programmen.\n\n"
(set #Proceed1 "Du har valt att installera DragIt i\n")
(set #Proceed2 " katalogen.\n\nDu har också valt att installera Drag i\n")
(set #Proceed3 " katalogen.\n\nVidare är de valda programspråken\n")
(set #Proceed4 "\noch dokumentation på ")
(set #Proceed5 "och ingen dokumentation kommer att installeras.")
(set #Proceed6 "kommer att installeras i ")
(set #Proceed7 "\n\nSkall jag fullfölja installationen?")
(set #ProceedHelp
(cat " När du klickar på \"Fortsätt\" knappen, kommer de valda "
"programdelarna att installeras. Det här är din sista chans att "
"avbryta installationen utan att delvis installera de valda "
"programdelarna.\n\n När du har klickat på \"Fortsätt\" knappen, "
"kan du avbryta installationen genom att trycka på \"Esc\" tangenten."
(set #InstallPrompt "Installerar")
(set #NoLocaleMessage
(cat "\nDu verkar inte ha LOCALE: katalogen där lokalisationsfilerna finns "
"lagrade assignad.\nInstallera systemmjukvarans lokalisationsfiler "
"innan du försöker med den här installationen igen.\n\nTryck antingen "
"på \"Fortsätt\" eller \"Avbryt Installation\" knappen för att "
"avbryta den här installationen."
(set #NoLocaleCatalogMessage
(cat "\nKatalogen LOCALE:Catalogs finns inte. Installationen kräver att "
"denna existerar för att de valda språken skall kunna installeras.\n\n"
"Tryck antingen på \"Fortsätt\" eller \"Avbryt Installation\" "
"knappen för att avbryta den här installationen."
(set #CopyLanguage "katalogfilen...")
(set #CopyDoc "AmigaGuidefilen...")
(set #ReadDoc "\nVill du läsa dokumentationen?")
(set #ReadDocHelp
(cat " Om du vill läsa dokumentationen till DragIt ska du klicka på "
"\"Ja\" knappen, om du inte vill läsa den klicka på \"Nej\" knappen.\n"
(set #DocIDPrompt "Vilken dokumentation vill du läsa?")
(set #DocIDHelp
(cat " Välj den dokumentation till DragIt som du vill läsa, för att sedan "
"kunna ställa in programmet.\n"
(set #RunDragIt "\nVill du köra DragIt?")
(set #RunDragItHelp
(cat " Om du trycker på \"Ja\" knappen kommer DragIt att startas så du kan "
"dra nytta av programmet utan att starta om datorn."
(set #RunDrag "\nDragIt går nu, vill du köra inställningsprogrammet?")
(set #RunDragHelp
(cat " Om du nu trycker på \"Ja\" knappen kommer inställningsprogrammet "
"att startas så att du kan ställa in DragIt enligt dina egna "
"önskemål, för att sedan om du vill, kunna spara inställningarna."
(procedure SetDirPath
; Ask the user for a directory name.
; Variables:
; #SetDirPathWhy
; #SetDirPathHelp
; #DirPath
(set Done FALSE)
(while (NOT Done)
(set #DirPath
(prompt #SetDirPathPrompt #SetDirPathWhy)
(help ("%s\n" #SetDirPathHelp) @askdir-help)
(default #DirPath)
(if (= (exists #DirPath) 0)
(makedir #DirPath)
(set Done TRUE)
(procedure IncrementMeter
; Variables:
; #TotalFiles
; #AddToMeter
(set #DoneFiles (+ #DoneFiles #AddToMeter))
(complete (/ (* #DoneFiles 100) #TotalFiles))
; The Installer script starts here.
(if (OR (< OSVersion 37) (< WBVersion 37))
(abort #LowVersion)
(set #TotalFiles 0)
(set #DoneFiles 0)
(set @default-dest "")
(set #user-level @user-level)
; Ask for DragIt destination directory.
(set #SetDirPathWhy #DragItDirPrompt)
(set #SetDirPathHelp #DragItDirHelp)
(set #DirPath "SYS:WBStartup")
(set #DragItPath #DirPath)
(set #TotalFiles (+ #TotalFiles 2))
; Ask for Drag destination directory.
(set #SetDirPathWhy #DragDirPrompt)
(set #SetDirPathHelp #DragDirHelp)
(set #DirPath "SYS:Prefs")
(set #DragPath #DirPath)
(set #TotalFiles (+ #TotalFiles 2))
; Ask for languages to install.
(if (AND (> OSVersion 37) (> WBVersion 37))
(set LanguageID
(prompt #SelectLanguagePrompt)
(help #SelectLanguageHelp @askoptions-help)
(default LanguageID)
(set LanguageID 0)
(if (<> LanguageID 0)
(set Language 0)
(set MaxLanguage 2)
(while (< Language MaxLanguage)
(if (IN LanguageID Language)
(set #TotalFiles (+ #TotalFiles 1))
(set Language (+ Language 1))
; Ask which documentation to install.
(if (= @user-level 0)
(user 2)
(if (= 0
(prompt #AskNoviceDoc)
(help #AskNoviceDocHelp)
(default 1)
(set #TotalFiles (+ #TotalFiles 2))
(set DocID 0)
(user #user-level)
(set DocID
(prompt #SelectDocPrompt)
(help #SelectDocHelp @askoptions-help)
(default DocID)
(if (<> DocID 0)
(set Doc 0)
(set MaxDoc 3)
(while (< Doc MaxDoc)
(if (IN DocID Doc)
(set #TotalFiles (+ #TotalFiles 2))
(set Doc (+ Doc 1))
; Ask for documentation destination directory.
(if (<> DocID 0)
(user 2)
(set #SetDirPathWhy #DocDirPrompt)
(set #SetDirPathHelp #DocDirHelp)
(set #DirPath "RAM:")
(set #DocPath #DirPath)
(user #user-level)
; Ask if proceed with installation.
(complete 0)
(set #LocalLanguage (cat #LanguageEnglish " "))
(set LocalLanguage 0)
(set MaxLocal 2)
(while (< LocalLanguage MaxLocal)
(set #LocalLang
(select LocalLanguage
(if (IN LanguageID LocalLanguage)
(set #LocalLanguage (cat #LocalLanguage #LocalLang " "))
(set LocalLanguage (+ LocalLanguage 1))
(set #DocLanguage "")
(set DocLanguage 0)
(set MaxDoc 3)
(while (< DocLanguage MaxDoc)
(set #DocLang
(select DocLanguage
(if (IN DocID DocLanguage)
(set #DocLanguage (cat #DocLanguage #DocLang " "))
(set DocLanguage (+ DocLanguage 1))
(if (<> DocID 0)
(message #Proceed1 #DragItPath #Proceed2 #DragPath #Proceed3 #LocalLanguage
#Proceed4 #DocLanguage #Proceed6 #DocPath #Proceed7
(help #ProceedHelp)
(message #Proceed1 #DragItPath #Proceed2 #DragPath #Proceed3 #LocalLanguage
#Proceed5 #Proceed7
(help #ProceedHelp)
; Install the DragIt program and Icon.
(prompt ("%s DragIt..." #InstallPrompt))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/WBStartUp/DragIt")
(dest #DragItPath)
(if (exists (tackon #DragItPath "DragIt") (noreq))
(source "/WBStartUp/DragIt.info")
(dest #DragItPath)
(set #AddToMeter 2)
; Install the Drag program and Icon.
(prompt ("%s Drag..." #InstallPrompt))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "/Prefs/Drag")
(dest #DragPath)
(if (exists (tackon #DragPath "Drag") (noreq))
(source "/Prefs/Drag.info")
(dest #DragPath)
(set #AddToMeter 2)
; Install selected languages.
(if (<> LanguageID 0)
(if (= (getassign "LOCALE" "a") "")
(message #NoLocaleMessage)
(if (<> (exists "LOCALE:Catalogs") 2)
(message #NoLocaleCatalogMessage)
(set Language 0)
(set MaxLanguage 2)
(while (< Language MaxLanguage)
(if (IN LanguageID Language)
(set #LanguageName
(select Language
(set LanguageName
(select Language
(prompt ("%s %s %s" #InstallPrompt #LanguageName #CopyLanguage))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source ("/Catalogs/%s" LanguageName))
(dest ("LOCALE:Catalogs/%s" LanguageName))
(set #AddToMeter 1)
(set Language (+ Language 1))
; Install selected documentation.
(set Doc 0)
(set MaxDoc 3)
(set DocIn 0)
(while (< Doc MaxDoc)
(if (IN DocID Doc)
(set #DocName
(select Doc
(set DocName
(select Doc
(prompt ("%s %s %s" #InstallPrompt #DocName #CopyDoc))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source ("/Documentation/%s" DocName))
(dest #DocPath)
(if (exists (tackon #DocPath DocName) (noreq))
(source ("/Documentation/%s.info" DocName))
(dest #DocPath)
(if (< WBVersion 38)
(dest (tackon #DocPath DocName))
(setdefaulttool "SYS:Utilities/More")
(set DocIn (+ DocIn 1))
(set #AddToMeter 2)
(set Doc (+ Doc 1))
; Ask and read documentation.
(user 2)
(if (askbool
(prompt #ReadDoc)
(help #ReadDocHelp)
(default 1)
(user #user-level)
(if (<> DocIn 1)
(set DocName
(select (askchoice
(prompt #DocIDPrompt)
(help #DocIDHelp @askchoice-help)
(default #Language)
(if (> WBVersion 37)
(run ("Run SYS:Utilities/MultiView /Documentation/%s" DocName))
(run ("Run SYS:Utilities/More /Documentation/%s" DocName))
; Ask and run DragIt and Drag.
(user 2)
(if (askbool
(prompt #RunDragIt)
(help #RunDragItHelp)
(default 1)
(user #user-level)
(run ("Run /WBStartUp/DragIt"))
(if (askbool
(prompt #RunDrag)
(help #RunDragHelp)
(default 0)
(set #RunDragPath (tackon #DragPath "Drag"))
(run ("Run %s" #RunDragPath))
; End of installation script